Episode 10: Email Subject Lines

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In this episode, we investigate the topic of “Email Subject Lines” and explore how important the subject line is to getting your recipients to open your email. We also investigate how to write better subject lines, best practices for creating curiosity and intrigue, and explore the benefits and mechanics of A/B testing subject lines.
This is Growth Decoded — a show that helps you grow your business by figuring out the customer experience, one piece at a time.

In this episode, we investigate the topic of “Email Subject Lines” and explore how important the subject line is to getting your recipients to open your email. We also investigate how to write better subject lines, best practices for creating curiosity and intrigue, and explore the benefits and mechanics of A/B testing subject lines.

You'll hear from past Growth Decoded guests Melissa Love, Jonathan Young, and Joel Klettke — and see some email subject line "Hot Takes" and insights from Eddie Shleyner, Dave Gerhardt, Devin Reed, and Jacob Sappington.

Our featured guest is Scott Frothingham, author of "Instant Inspiration for Copywriters" and founder of FastForward Results.

To learn more about Scott you can check out his website and book below:


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Episode 10: Email Subject Lines
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